Shuriken School
How to become a…
When he’s not blending into the scenery, Eizan Kaburagi is disappearing in a cloud of smoke or running up walls! After all, this is Shuriken School! OK, so it doesn’t have the reputation of Katana, its rival, but he’s learning how to become a great Ninja, thanks to creative (though incompetent) teachers and especially, a gang of super friends!
Production information
- Format:
- 26×26’ + a 75′ TV movie
- Genre:
- Comedy / Action
- Target Audience:
- Kids
- Co-Production:
- Xilam Animation & Zinkia Entertainment
- Production Year:
- 2006-2007
- Created by:
- Emilio & Jesus Gallego
- Directed by:
- Pascal Morelli